Born and raised in New York City, Bruce Wayne Carl aka Warbler BC has been called a "tortured musical soul." His new project, "Warbler BC One", is a six track EP. It was released earlier this year and as he states, was "wrought with sweat and tears."
Barry Gruff has called his vocals "Rich, Powerful, and Passionate." And Various Small Flames has called his work "Well-crafted, and sure to be well received."
My favorite track on "Warbler BC One" is Trouble. It's a moving, acoustic love song. Gruff's rustic baritone vocals and guitar complement the song well. Trouble is an intimate glimpse into his sail into the "open blues." The electrical guitar and rock drums feel of Ulysses Song is a refreshing contrast from the horrors of 2020. This BC One is delicious counterbalance to the year 2020.
"I don't care for your constant fears
And I don't care for your petty rules..."
This is only the beginning of the Warbler BC releases. You can follow his on streaming and social platforms...
BC -
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IG -
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